Are you paying too much in Ohio property taxes? If so, there may be a solution! You may be able to have your real estate taxes reduced through a formal appeal process. The appeal process for everyone in Ohio begins at the county level. There are also specific procedures to follow if the properties you own are titled in your personal name vs a business name or trust. The Ohio deadline to submit your appeal is March 31st. While the deadlines are set by the State of Ohio, the tax appeals start and need to be submitted through your county. The county auditor for where I live (Union County) has an excellent FAQ page where you can learn about standard procedures, etc.
Before you rush into an appeal hearing you will most certainly want to weigh all factors prior. Without a doubt there will be costs associated with any hearing. The most obvious cost is your personal time. Beyond your time, you will want to consult with real estate professionals ahead of filing. This may include consulting with a real estate agent, appraiser, attorney, etc. So before you spend a bunch of money appealing your county property valuation you may want to conclude if that endeavor will make financial sense.
Should you ever have questions about your property's value you can always start off by giving me a call! I'm happy to help provide you with the appropriate real estate advice.
Feel free to call anytime with your questions - I'm glad to help!